There are about 100 major auto parts suppliers on the internet. These are not your local parts store with a web site, (there are thousands of those), these are companies that make most of there sales on the web. Researching 100 sites before making a purchase is not my idea of how to start a great buying experience. So let me give you a few things to look for that will make your buying experience a pleasant one and help you bypass sites that may not provide the best security or customer service. If you do a search on Google for auto parts keep this in mind. The ads you see at the top and down the right column are Sponsored Links. The ads at the top are highlighted and the ads in the right column have a line down the page. This is to separate these ads from the rest of the ads on the page. What is the difference? The Sponsored Links are ads from advertisers who paid to be in those positions. The rest of the ads are placed in page rank, which is a another story. But in a nut shell, the mo...
It seems that no one has enough time these days, but deciding to buy auto parts online can make your life a little easier, and in some cases save you big bucks! There was a time when you needed to jump in your car or truck, and drive down to the auto-parts warehouse in search of the exact part you needed. Once you arrived there, you likely had to wait in line for a while, and when someone was finally available to help you, more often than not, it was an 18 year old who needed to go, "look in the back," to determine if they had the part you needed. But the days of driving all over town searching for one specific part are just about over. In fact, those days are dead and gone. In the new millennium, locating and purchasing auto parts is as easy as searching online from the comfort of your own PC. Some of the largest auto-parts mega-stores have gone online, developing huge and instantly searchable web sites that make finding and buying the parts you need a piece of cake. Auto pa...